New Year’s Eve Eve

It’s New Years Eve tomorrow and I can’t decide if I’m looking forward to it or not.  It’s going to be my biggest DJ performance to date so it’s a bit of a big deal but then again I’m sure everything will be fine and it will go great (fingers crossed!!).

I should be preparing a couple of CDs actually instead of playing here but all work and no play is bad.  But since I’ve been passing most of the past hour watching either QI or Match of the Day then I think I’d better do some work.

Whatever you’re doing tomorrow have a great night and a great end to 2006!


Shouldn’t people start new stuff like this for a New Year’s Resolution or something? Well too bad – I’m here early and you’ll have to live with it.  Got nothing interesting to say for the time being and can’t promise I’ll have anything more interesting to add in the future, but hey I’ll give it a go anyway.

Hope you’re having an enjoyable christmas!