Keep on running. No ta!

Ok let’s kick this off – you can read this blog without any further references to turbulence, banking, bail outs, markets, crashes or indices – which is just about a first today in any form of communication.  Although I do have to give credit to some investment houses and/or banks for some creative use of the “subject” field in their e-mails today.  It’s a dull subject at times so they’ve had to do everything they can to make us read the darn things so e-mails with a subject “hold on darling” and “fear and loathing” nearly did it.  Nearly….

Anyway, not going to waste my valuable time wittering on more about that.  I am going to mention the marathon relay I did last week.  We had a great team and whilst I was a touch disappointed with my time (52 mins for about 6 miles or so) it was probably fair given the conditions and the amount of work I put in, or not.  Should anyone care the paparazzi caught up with me so you can see a pic here.

The run was certainly hard and the leg i had was largely uphill so extra hard really but I survived and whilst next time I’d know I need to put in more work I now know that my body including my old dodgy knee can survive the distance, and therefore presumably much more distance, without too much suffering.  So as a result I’m now seriously considering a half marathon next May and maybe the full marathon next year.  Need to be very well behaved between now and then though (he says trying to ignore the tasty looking bag of cheese and onion discos sitting right next to me).

Last night I was catching up with some more new music that I might treat the Everton fans to on Saturday and I was reminded about a new release by the Courteeners called “That Kiss” which I just love.  You can see the rather great video at their website.  They still stick in my mind from their set at Jersey Live so will always keep an eye out for their stuff now.

Well, that’s almost a prolific bit of blogging from me so I’m going to shut up for now.